In May, the Piano +1 program donated 5 pianos and helped
provide music teachers for 5 schools around Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan
Province: Mei Shan City Peng Xi Primary School, Doushuo Primary School, Wu
Huang Primary School, and Hong Ya School. Some of these schools were rebuilt or
restored in response to the 2009 earthquake, and local Lions Club members were
instrumental in helping facilitate the donation paperwork with the local authorities.
Mark visited each school with his wife and Mr. Jans Song, a local volunteer and
an honorary chairman of the foundation, to personally meet the students,
teachers and officials and check the program implementation. “I live with my
granny, but my mother and father are working in another city. I love music,”
said a seven-year old to Mark when she played the piano (for the first time in
her life). Although the pianos arrived safely, Mark discovered some still need
to be tuned, and some teachers require additional training. Because some of the
schools are in remote areas, it is sometimes a challenge finding piano
technicians and professional/Volunteer teachers. Mark and his team promised the
schools they would help address these issues. Schools are also required to sign
a contract promising to take care of the pianos and support the teachers before
they receive the pianos. However, in spite of the challenges, we were told by
one school that kids were lining up by scores for lessons, and we estimate that
between the 5 schools, now over 4000 students have access to piano and music
lessons that before had none. Mark hopes that the P+1 program donations to
these schools will be a seed that starts self-sustaining music programs long
into the future. The event was also covered by Chengdu TV. Last year our foundation
also donated to an indigenous minority school in Yunnan. To date the foundation’s
P+1 program has made piano and arts instruction available to over 5000 students
in under-served and impoverished communities. This and other programs are
helping bringing art to kids around the world, including in China, Kenya and
America. Thanks to all the volunteers and partners from Hong Kong and around
China who made these donations possible!